Commissioner’s Welcome
This month we tackle the Spring Individual and Team games with over 7,000 registered participants. It’s an exciting time to be a part of the NCL Community and we can’t wait to announce the top winners in the next few weeks.
In this edition of The Decrypted Post, we continue to celebrate our amazing NCL Community with exciting highlights from our members, a recap of our CTF event at the WiCyS 2023 Conference, and a sneak peek into the Spring 2023 Spirit Week!
If you haven’t already joined, Discord is where all the action is happening! Our server is the best place to go for updates, ways to connect with others within the NCL and awesome resources to help you with the NCL Competition and your next steps to your cyber career.
Watch Our Tutorials!
Our tutorial videos are a great resource to help you build your cybersecurity skills! Check them out on the NCL YouTube Channel.