NCL Spring 2024 Winners
NCL Spring 2024 Winners

NCL Spring 2024 Winners

Congratulations to all of the Spring 2024 Competitors! We were blown away by the level of talent and knowledge that each and every one of our participants have shown over the course of the spring semester. This year we were excited to see so many new faces added to the top leaderboards and give a huge congratulations to the Top Individual and Top Teams for the standard and experienced categories.

Top Individuals Standard Leaderboard

1st Place
Lloyd Gonzales
University of Nevada, Reno
1st Place Lloyd Gonzales University of Nevada, Reno
2nd Place
Brayden Borges
Dakota State University
2nd Place Brayden Borges Dakota State University
3rd Place
Sean Huggins
University of Cincinnati
3rd Place Sean Huggins University of Cincinnati

Top Individuals Experienced Leaderboard

1st Place
Anthony Snead
The SANS Technology Institute
1st Place Anthony Snead The SANS Technology Institute
2nd Place
Nathan Spanier
The SANS Technology Institute
2nd Place Nathan Spanier The SANS Technology Institute
3rd Place
Tristan Myers
The SANS Technology Institute
3rd Place Tristan Myers The SANS Technology Institute

Top Teams Standard Leaderboard

1st Place
California State University -  Chico
1st Place usr0 California State University - Chico
2nd Place
United States Military Academy
2nd Place BitsForEveryone United States Military Academy
3rd Place
Rensselaer Cactus Collaboratory
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
3rd Place Rensselaer Cactus Collaboratory Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
4th Place
FITSEC - I Want to break; free();
Florida Institute of Technology
4th Place FITSEC - I Want to break; free(); Florida Institute of Technology
5th Place
Colorado State University - Pueblo

Top Teams Experienced Leaderboard

1st Place
The "Former Gifted Kids" v3
Mixed Schools
1st Place The "Former Gifted Kids" v3 Mixed Schools
2nd Place
Mason CC
George Mason University
2nd Place Mason CC George Mason University
3rd Place
pie in the sky
Mixed Schools
3rd Place pie in the sky Mixed Schools
4th Place
BYU Cyberia
Brigham Young University
4th Place BYU Cyberia Brigham Young University
5th Place Sentinels 986
The SANS Technology Institute
5th Place Sentinels 986 The SANS Technology Institute