

Telnet is an older protocol that allowed an interactive text-oriented communication with remote systems, use the provided capture to answer the following questions about telnet.


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Use Wireshark or, if provided, the web-based CloudShark tool to solve the challenge. The Telnet protocol is an old, insecure protocol used to remotely login to and administer computers.

Questions 1- 6 can be solved by following the TCP stream on any of the packets. Keep in mind that telnet will echo (repeat) back what is typed (except for passwords). Following the TCP stream yields the following

........... ..!.."..'.....#..... ..#..'........!.."..... .....#.....'.............P...... .38400,38400....#.Sandbox:0.0....'..DISPLAY.Sandbox:0.0......xterm..............login: tteesstt
Password: capture
$ uunnaammee  --aa
Linux cm4116 #3 Tue Feb 22 00:57:18 EST 2011 armv4tl unknown
$ ...
$ eexxiitt


What is the username that was used to log in? What is the password that was used to log in?

What command was executed once the user was authenticated?

In what year was this capture created?

What is the hostname of the machine that was logged in to?

What CPU architecture does the remote machine use?

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