CrowdStrike Mentorship Program
CrowdStrike Mentorship Program

CrowdStrike Mentorship Program


This fall is the third cohort of the NCL x CrowdStrike Mentorship Program, ushering in 30 new mentees from the NCL Community, representing colleges and universities across the country. We also welcome 15 mentors from the inspirational CrowdStrike team; some are new to the program, and others are returning after participating in previous seasons of mentorship..

This program season, we’ve added an exciting new component to support the mentor/mentee relationship by providing mentees with a cyber challenge based on the NCL Competition. Mentees will have the opportunity to work through the challenge virtually alongside their mentors leading up to an end of program presentation showcase. This experience will allow mentees to have real-world experience presenting and communicating findings and processes, a skill that is valuable to being a successful team member for any cyber role.

“It has been amazing watching our NCL x CrowdStrike Mentorship Program grow over the past few years. This program brings together CrowdStrikers and NCL participants through a series of 1-1 meetings and is a fantastic opportunity for students to learn from our professionals - and vice versa! The NCL team has been extremely supportive through the years of this partnership, bringing new and fresh ideas to continuously improve the experience on both sides of the program.” - Anna Schuh, CrowdStrike University Recruiter

Our continued sponsorship with CrowdStrike has opened so many doors and experiences for the NCL Community and we are grateful for the time and dedication of all the amazing mentors, year after year.

If the mentoring program sounds like something you’d be interested in sponsoring or participating in, please reach out to Emily Kalandranis at to discuss mentoring opportunities.